Sponsor a Friend
Your donation can make a big difference in the lives of our animals. By sponsoring a furry, fuzzy or feathered friend at Dream Catcher Meadows, you can help us provide the best possible care and environment. We use your donations to pay for food, shelter and veterinary care for our animals.
Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!

Meet Our Residents
At Dream Catcher Meadows, we find meaning and purpose in rescuing and caring for farm animals and restoring our 1953 farm using sustainability practices. Our sanctuary is home to 15 goats, 2 ponies and an Irish draft horse, 3 flocks of chickens including 9 roosters, 2 emus and a pig. We lovingly raise and nurture them, provide veterinary care, and safe living conditions for our furry and feathered friends. Check out our gallery below to meet some of our amazing residents (we will be updating it periodically).